Connections are the foundation of everything.

Hey, I’m Stacy!


With a background in sales and recruiting, I’ve learned the intricacies of building relationships that truly matter. Having worked extensively in the hospitality industry, I've encountered and worked with an array of personalities — from the wonderfully kind to the downright challenging (think egotistical and the verbally condescending). Despite these occasional encounters with rudeness and lack of empathy, it's led me to sharpen my ability to read behaviors and personalities.

I’ve also learned that referrals and recommendations are invaluable. They play a vital role in purchasing and hiring decisions, pointing again to the fact that relationships are crucial.

The most important things I’ve learned? Always embrace your authentic self—it’s the true secret to finding those who compliment you and your business perfectly.

  • Think connections aren’t that important? Think again.

    84% of people from 58 countries say that they trust recommendations from friends and family. (Source: Nielsen)

  • Think connections aren’t that important? Think again.

    86% of B2B purchasing decisions are based on word-of-mouth from peers. (Source: Blanc and Otus)

  • Think connections aren’t that important? Think again.

    75% of consumers make decisions or overcome concerns about brands based on conversations with peers. (Source: Edelman)

My passion for networking and matchmaking has deep roots, and it all started with the invaluable lessons I learned from my father.

My dad was the OG matchmaker in my life. He not only taught me the value of relationships, but ingrained the importance of genuine connections just from being himself and the actions he took daily.

At night, I’d watch my dad sift through his Rolodex, pick a card, and call someone in his network. He’d do it for the sake of checking in — not to sell. I can still picture him waving the card around as he paced throughout the living room on a white cordless phone. It showed me the true power of relationships in action.


I have vivid memories of our dim sum trips, where he could effortlessly turn strangers into friends. He often went with his buddies after hours of tennis and brought me along. Watching him run his business in a people-first way taught me that networking isn't just about transactions. It's about building meaningful connections over shared experiences and interests, and if an opportunity became of it, that was just the cherry on top!

Now, I’m on a mission to bring the physical Rolodex to the digital world as an ode to his legacy. I want to craft relationships that go beyond Instagram DMs and build my own list of relationships that are mutually beneficial to bring more people together.

What’s rooted in my approach:

When I decide to connect two people, there are always good intentions and a win behind them. My gifts—intuition, observation, and the ability to read people—have been finely tuned over 15 years in sales.

I bring honesty, trustworthiness, and a genuine desire to impress my clients. The connections I foster aren't just about business—they're about creating a network of individuals who genuinely appreciate and support each other.

In an industry sometimes clouded by impersonal transactions (especially online), I stand firm in my commitment to integrity. Every connection I make is driven by a desire for both parties to thrive!

My mission is crystal clear: to empower online businesses by uncovering hidden gem connections that spark unlimited growth and new experiences.

I redefine success through a completely bespoke approach to "online business matchmaking." Unlike platforms like Fiverr, which don’t facilitate these connections easily and even deduct a percentage of income from online service providers, or Upwork, where direct communication with potential clients is restricted, adding an unnecessary layer of complexity.

With my matchmaking service, we prioritize freelancer-client relationships without such restraints, ensuring a seamless and efficient collaboration process.


I'm hardwired for networking, building communities, and creating opportunities. And while I love being around people, I'm also introspective and need time to recharge in solitude. This has allowed me to embrace my personal self-discovery and understanding.


Similar to how my dad loved tennis, I’m addicted to spin. I’ve been going to the same studio for 6+ years. It gives me mental clarity and allows me to spread positivity and encouragement to those around me. After all these years (including the pandemic), I still choose to ride beside people.


I’m a Pisces, creative, intuitive, compassionate, empathetic, and my romantic heart *loves* a good rom-com! For my astrology lovers, my moon is in Cancer and I’m a Gemini rising. Social, curious, and very active - yup, that’s me!


I'm hooked on reality TV shows for the perfect blend of drama and real-life situations (even if some of it is staged). But what really gets me going is how they portray love and relationships, especially in shows like Love is Blind. I can't help but examine every conversation and interaction! It's like peeking into people's lives and seeing how they handle communication in relationships.


I've been cooking since fourth grade, drawing inspiration from the Food Network. I love the creativity involved in cooking without recipes and exploring new restaurants and cuisines while traveling. For me, planning a trip revolves entirely around culinary experiences, rather than landmarks.


I’m obsessed with my Pembroke Welsh Corgi, Hashbrown. She brought me so much healing during the pandemic after having to say goodbye to my previous dog due to kidney issues. On weekends, you may find us getting our steps at an outdoor mall or socializing at a dog park. Hashie loves dogs and humans equally!

Let’s work together!

Join an exclusive online community where connections go beyond business. Experience support, learning, and meaningful connections with fellow online service providers and entrepreneurs.

Skip the hiring stress with Verified VIPs, a unique matchmaking service for business owners looking for the right online service providers for your business needs.